About GetAgent

Who are they and what was my role

What do they do?

GetAgent is an estate agent comparison site. The company provides potential home sellers (vendors) with insightful data on estate agents such as:

The agents avg time to sell

The number of properties sold in the last 6 months

The agents fee

Services the agent


Kinds of property the agents sells (2 bedroom bungalows etc)

If the agent has a track history of selling similar properties to what the user owns

To help home sellers make informed decision if an agent is right for them or not. The company also provide conveyancing services and have tools such as the seller tracker, which helps users to know if their house sell is on track.

How do they work?

  1. The user input their postcode on the homepage
  2. The user inputs their property details
  3. The user is shown a redacted list of the top 6 agents in their area based on their inputted details
  4. If the user wants to see more information on the agents they must Input personal details
  5. The user is shown the same list of agents that they were shown earlier, however this time with the agents name and additional details not shown previously
  6. The user can “Book a valuation” with the agent
  7. The home seller must wait for the agent to call them back
  8. The “GetAgents agent” are sent the valuation, if they are instructed as the agent and sell the property – GetAgent charges the agent 0.25% of the agents fee.

“GetAgent agents” are estate agents that are signed up to GetAgent, however, GA is an imperial comparison site they show users the top 6 agents in their area GetAgents or not.

What has your role been?

When I first joined GetAgent, I was the sole designer – shortly after joining I advocated for a UX research as  the company provided a large number of products , targeting different user groups, all of which preceded to a slew of disparate features, created based on assumptions and the number of dev hours it may take to develop rather than user needs and feedback. The company was ultimately an engineering focused company rather than a user focused company, that had a low UX maturity level. The evidence of this could be found in many of their products. It was time the make the company user centred.

I am currently the Lead Product Designer / acting Head of UX and Design. I have worked for GetAgent for just over a year. My role includes:

Leading the UX team (Researchers and designers), overseeing user research, developing design ideas, planning and leading ideation sessions, supervising design projects, establishing design teams, fostering a design oriented atmosphere, bridging the link between creative employees and management, developing creative programs and design concepts that meet the business objectives, creating and implementing design strategies, establishing and developing best practice with the design and creative team, establishing and maintaining the GetAgent brand, establishing and defining a design process, Creating and maintaining a design system.

What projects did you work on
In these case studies I will be discussing the most interesting products I have worked on and/or overseen while at GetAgent.